La conmemoración del 125 aniversario de la inauguración de la primera sección del Ferrocarril de La Robla entre Espinosa de los Monteros y Balmaseda supone una magnífica excusa para recordar su historia. Por ello, se ha organizado una exposición que, a través de 23 grandes paneles y más de 150 fotografías, recoge los principales hitos de esta histórica vía férrea. Tras su presencia en el Museo, está previsto que la muestra recorra las principales localidades servidas por el viejo hullero.


The Basque Railway Museum is a unique and unrepeatable stage for shooting feature films, short films, music videos, advertising spots or even to portray special moments such as weddings, professional meetings, communions, fashion events…

Historical locomotives, all kinds of railway carriages, an old mechanical workshop are some of the possible scenarios offered by the Museum, in addition to the possibility of renting the steam train. 

Projects conducted at the Basque Railway Museum

Feature Films

Stoker for a day

How would it feel to travel in the cab of a steam locomotive? Would you like to learn how it works? The Basque Railway Museum offers the possibility of being a STOKER FOR A DAY on the existing service between Azpeitia and Lasao.

The initiative consists of a complete round trip in the cab of the steam locomotive. But, not only that. You will be accompanying the engine driver and stoker during all the necessary preparations for starting up the locomotive and you will, of course, receive the necessary training and equipment to ensure your safety at all times.

Venta de asientos

El Museo del Tren pone a la venta asientos dobles e individuales correspondientes a las unidades de la serie 3500 de Euskotren, retiradas del servicio en 2013. El precio de los asientos es de 50€ el individual y 100€ el doble, debiendo acercarse los interesados al Museo Vasco del Ferrocarril de Azpeitia.